The meeting of the Ancient Medicine Interdisciplinary Working Group takes place on 2 and 3 July 2016. Place: Institute for History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine, Am Pulverturm 13, 55131 Mainz, Germany, Lecture Room U 1125 (basement).
Medicine and Death in the Ancient World
For medical history, the death of humans is a serious research topic, not only from an anthropological point of view, but also with regard to questions of contemporary medicine and medical ethics. Accordingly, recent work of medical historians on death in the Old World can provide relevant data for a better understanding of the cultural history of this phenomenon: Questions to be considered are: How did ancient medicine behave towards terminal care? How did physicians consider the death of humans? How did conceptions on death in the Old World influence practices and rituals of physicians? How was the relation between life and death presented in medical theories? How did beliefs and rituals regarding the transition from life into death influence the everyday life in medicine? These and other questions will be discussed during the meeting.
Saturday, 2 July 2016
14:00 | Greeting | |
14:10-15:10 | Krankheit und Tod im frühkaiserlichen Rom (1. Jh. n. Chr.) (Keynote) | PD Dr. Thorsten Fögen (Durham, UK & Wassenaar, Niederlande) |
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15:30-16:00 | Theorization of death in Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine | Shahrzad Irannejad, Pharm.D. (Mainz) |
16:00-16:30 | Lukian und die todbringenden Wohlstandskrankheiten | Frank Ursin, M.A. (Halle/Saale) |
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17:00-17:30 | Der Tod eines Handel Treibenden: Das Eurysaces-Grabmal an der Porta Maggiore in Rom und die Hierarchisierung des Sterbens im Römischen Reich | Stefan E. A. Wagner, M.A. (Catania, Italien) |
17:30-18:00 | Mythos, Magie und Metamorphosen. Schlaglichter auf Arzt und Tod in der Alten Welt | Dr. med. Dr. Waltrud Wamser-Krasznai (Butzbach) |
Sunday, 3 July 2016
09:30 | Greeting | |
09:35-10:05 | Die Nerven-Sympathie (νευρικὴ συμπάθεια) – ein antikes Konzept der Krankheitsfortleitung und -Ausbreitung |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Mathias Witt, M. A. (München) |
10:05-10:35 | „Denn Hippokrates war Naturwissenschaftler!“ Zur modernen Rezeption der Epilepsie-Schrift De Morbo Sacro |
Dr. Nadine Metzger (Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
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11:00-11:30 | Blindheit in der griechischen Kunst des 8. – 4. Jh. v. Chr. Aspekte der Heilung: Zwischen göttlichem Willen und medizinischer Therapie |
Sarah Prause, M.A. (Mainz) |
11:30-12:00 | Was acupuncture developed by Han Dynasty Chinese anatomists? | Vivien Shaw, B.A. & Dr. Amy K. McLennan (Oxford) |
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12:25-12:55 | Medizinische Rezeptsammlungen auf Papyrus aus der Berliner Papyrussammlung |
Anna Monte, M.A. (Berlin) |
12:55-13:15 | Die Website „Science in Ancient Egypt“ – ein Portal zu altägyptischen medizinischen Texten |
Dr. Lutz Popko (Leipzig) |
The workshop is certified by the Landesärztekammer Rheinland-Pfalz with 8 education points and by Landesapothekerkammer Rheinland Pfalz with 11 points.
The workshop is open to the public.
For effective planning and coordination, we kindly ask you to fill out our registration form.